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The Future Needs You!

SCRC Teen Donation

During last summer's SCRC Convention, over 1200 spiritually hungry teens and parish you leaders participated in the SCRC Teen Conference! Praise God! It was a truly life transforming event!

More than anything we hope to continue offering the teen program to enrich the lives of even more teens. However, due to a budge income deficit that we are currently facing, the future of this program is in jeopardy.

In order for us to continue this powerful outreach to teens, we are very much in need of special donors and sponsors. Today's teens desperately need to know God's love in a personal way. Your contribution will prove a life-changing, spirit-filled experience for them that this unforgettable.

SCRC Catholic Charismatic Renewal  - Purple Cross
As a token of our sincere gratitude,
all special donors and sponsors
will be acknowledged in the following ways:
  • Donor/sponsor names and prayer intentions will be placed before Christ's Eucharistic presence during the teen program's Eucharistic adoration time at this year's SCRC Convention.
  • Donor/sponsor names will be acknowledged in our convention program and our website.
  • Donor/sponsors will be remembered at our daily Masses.
SCRC Catholic Charismatic Renewal  - Purple Cross

May God richly bless you for your generous contribution to our future!

Please keep this and other SCRC financial needs in your special prayers at this time.

To donate or sponsor, simply click on the donate button or
select "Monthly" or "Quarterly" for recurring donations.

Or you may send a check to SCRC.
(Please make the check payable to SCRC and be sure to designate "Teen Program" on the check.)
One Time Donation:

Monthly and Quarterly

Click one of the following to start:

Enter the amount you would like to donate (per period): $

Enter the amount you would like to donate (per period): $

2008 Teen Conference Video