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About Exorcism and Spiritual Warfare
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Are Evil Spirits Real?

Beginning with the ministry of Jesus as recorded for us in the gospels, the Christian Community has taken seriously the reality of evil spirits and the importance of helping people find freedom from their adverse effects in our lives. 

Although belief in their existence has waned and ignorance concerning then has multiplied in recent times, Popes Paul VI, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI have made a special effort to remind us of the reality of evil spirits and to exhort bishops throughout the world to appoint exorcists to serve their people.

What is Spiritual Warfare?

Spiritual Warfare refers to a cosmic conflict which starts before the creation of the human race, "[t]hen war broke out in heaven" (Revelation 12:7). 

This struggle continues today between those who choose to follow God and enemies not of flesh and blood (see Ephesians 6:10-17). 

Embracing the many sources of God’s Grace and help is essential for entering into Jesus Christ’s ultimate victory over the forces of evil.

When is Exorcism Needed?

Exorcism is the remedy applied in the most severe cases of demonic influence.  In most cases, repentance of sin, prayer, and faithful use of the sacraments provides relief.  In some cases, more intense prayer and the ministry of the Christian Community is needed, sometimes to the extent of formal exorcism.  Of course, throughout life we will experience temptation, most of which will come from our own human weakness or the world around us, though some will be demonic in origin.

Reference: Catechism of the Catholic Church: 391-3; 550; 1673.

How To Learn More

SCRC frequently offers events and workshops on deliverance, spiritual warfare, exorcism and more. Check our Convention or Events pages for more information.

The SCRC Online Store offers hundreds of talks on these talks, frequently from experienced exorcists and others who have invaluable experience dealing with these issues first hand. At the 2012 SCRC Convention, SCRC hosted the Christ Triumphant track, featuring world renowned experts in exorcism and spiritual warfare. The recordings from these tracks, including the talks oriented for priests and other pastoral leaders can be found here.