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  SCRC Catholic Renewal 2014 SCRC Convention: You Are the Light of the World  
Labor Day Weekend: August 29 - 31, 2014
The Nation's Largest Catholic Charismatic Conference
"All the darkness of the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle."
- Pope Francis
Thank you for attending!
Speakers Include:
Msgr. John Esseff
Diocese of Scranton, PA
Spiritually Directed by St. Padre Pio, Spiritual Director of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Msgr. John will share with us his personal friendship with both great modern-day saints.
Msgr. Esseff Patti Mansfield Patti Mansfield
New Orleans, LA
Coordinator, Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Patti was a participant in the February 1967 "Duquesne Weekend" which marked the beginning of the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church. From the earliest days of the Renewal she has served as a leader through teaching, writing and pastoral ministry.

Margarett Schlientz, PhD
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Masters in Theology and Spirituality; Doctorate in Psychiatric Nursing. Executive Director, Pope Leo XIII Institute to educate priests and exorcists in US dioceses.
Margarett Schlientz, PhD Deacon Eddie Ensley PhD Deacon Eddie Ensley, PhD
Archdiocese of Savannah, GA
Deacon Ministries. Gifted speaker leading retreats and parish missions throughout North America reaching many thousands of people a year. A dynamic storyteller, he is the author of nine life-changing books.
Registration Information

Online registration is available now!
Online registrants will receive a free downloadable recording, "Renewal in the Spirit...My Testimony and Yours" by 2014 Convention speaker, Patti Mansfield.

Brochures with registration forms will be mailed out in mid-April to all active addresses on our mailing list.
If you would like to make sure you receive a brochure, please visit our contact page.