1972 |
The Future Witness of the Church |
1973 |
The Spirit is Calling Us to Jesus! |
1974 |
Behold, I Make All Things New |
1975 |
Renewal and Reconciliation |
1976 |
The Call to Discipleship |
1977 |
What the Spirit is Saying to the Churches |
1978 |
That They Might Have Life |
1979 |
Abide in Me |
1980 |
Behold Your Mother |
1981 |
My Peace I Give to You |
1982 |
Proclaim Jesus Christ Lord |
1983 |
Radiate His Faithfulness |
1984 |
Go Tell All People |
1985 |
Set My People Free |
1986 |
Say but the Word |
1987 |
Comfort My People |
1988 |
Baptized in Fire |
1989 |
Go Forth! The Harvest is Great! |
1990 |
Come Share the Joy of the Lord |
1991 |
Together in the Spirit |
1992 |
Seek My Face |
1993 |
Be My Light |
1994 |
Do You Love Me? |
1995 |
Come, Follow Me! |
1996 |
Celebrate the Spirit! |
1997 |
Behold, I Stand at the Door and Knock |
1998 |
Let the Fire Fall |
1999 |
To the Glory of God the Father |
2000 |
Celebrate Jubilee! Rejoice in the Lord! |
2001 |
Nothing is Impossible with God |
2002 |
I Am With You |
2003 |
Not by Might...but by My Spirit |
2004 |
My Grace Is All You Need |
2005 |
We Give You Thanks |
2006 |
Strength for the Journey |
2007 |
Trust in the Lord |
2008 |
Be Transformed |
2009 |
Happy the People Whose God is the Lord! |
2010 |
Stand Firm in the Faith |
2011 |
One Body, One Spirit |
2012 |
God of Power and Might! |
2013 |
Take Courage, Have Faith |
2014 |
You Are the Light of the World |
2015 |
Rejoice and Be Glad |
2016 |
Merciful and Gracious is the Lord |
2017 |
Aflame with the Spirit |
2018 |
The Spirit Gives Life |