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  SCRC Catholic Renewal Take Courage, Have Faith 2013 SCRC Convention: Take Courage, Have Raith  
August 30 - September 1, 2013
SCRC Catholic Renewal Convention: Take Courage, Have Faith

Thank you for attending!
2013 Convention Photos

Your Choice of Programs

Regular Selection: Choose from 42 Workshops and Dozens of Speakers.

Set Free Track: Special Track on Healing and Deliverance

Teen Conference: 3-Days, or Saturday Only

Children's Program: Kindergarten through 5th Grade

Vietnamese Conference: All Day Saturday

Concert with John Michael Talbot and Fr. Stan Fortuna, CFR:
Free on Saturday and Open to All

Special Track
Set Free Track on Healing and Deliverance
Saturday Concert
John Michael Talbot Concert Feat. Fr. Stan Fortuna, CFR
Workshop 5B
The Gift and Mystery of Love
Fr. Stan Fortuna, CFR

Francesco Productions,
Bronx, NY
Workshop with Fr. Stan Fortuna, CFR
Workshop 3C
Courage, the Handmaiden of Faith
Fr. Jim Nisbet

Nisbet Scripture Study,
San Luis Obispo, CA
Workshop with Fr. Jim Nisbet
Workshop 1B
Healing the Family Tree
Fr. Lou Cerulli

Peace, Freedom & Healing Ministry,
Montreal, Canada
Workshop with Fr. Lou Cerulli
Workshop 2E
Jesus of Nazareth, Have You Come to Destroy Us?
Fr. Greg Bramlage

Missionaries of the New Evangelization,
worldwide healing and deliverance ministry
Norwood, Ohio
Workshop with Fr. Greg Bramlage
Workshop 10B
God's Invitation to Joy
Msgr. James Mancini

Retired 30 Years as Exorcist,
Diocese of Little Rock, AR
Workshop with Msgr. James Mancini
Workshop 10D
Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled
Fr. Charles Lueras, CRIC

Charismatic Ministry,
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish,
Overgaard, AZ
Workshop with Fr. Charles Lueras, CRIC
Workshop 5C
Journey to Truth, Healing and Life
Gretchen Harris and Donna Lee

Catholic Musicians
Southern California
Workshop with Gretchen Harris and Donna Lee
Workshop 9D
Holy Spirit, Help! I Can't Pray!
Kay Murdy

Author, Speaker,
Whittier, CA
Workshop with Kay Murdy
Workshop 3B
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Fr. Greg Bramlage

Missionaries of the New Evangelization,
worldwide healing and deliverance ministry
Norwood, Ohio
Workshop with Fr. Greg Bramlage
Workshop 7D
Strengthening Family Unity
Claire Frazier-Yzaguirre, MFT, MDiv.

Catholic Therapist and Educator,
Irvine, CA
Workshop with Claire Frazier-Yzaguirre, MFT, MDiv.
Workshop 7C
Lord to Whom Shall We Go As You Have the Words of Everlasting Life
Fr. Michael Barry, SSCC

Mary's Mercy Center,
San Bernardino, CA
Workshop with Fr. Michael Barry, SSCC
Workshop 8B
Using the Holy Spirit's Toolbox
Fr. Lou Cerulli

Peace, Freedom & Healing Ministry,
Montreal, Canada
Workshop with Fr. Lou Cerulli
Workshop 1A
God's Unconditional Love for YOU
Fr. Gino Henriques, CSsR

International Director of Evangelization 2033,
Based in Singapore
Workshop with Fr. Gino Henriques, CSsR
Workshop 4A
Faith Greater Than Fear
Fr. Gino Henriques, CSsR

International Director of Evangelization 2033,
Based in Singapore
Workshop with Fr. Gino Henriques, CSsR
Workshop 6D
He Will Not Let Us Go
Fr. Bill Adams, CSsR

Redemptorist Parish Ministry,
Whittier, CA
Workshop with Fr. Bill Adams, CSsR
Workshop 3D
When the Foundations are Being Destroyed, What Will the Upright Do?
Fr. Michael Barry, SSCC

Mary's Mercy Center,
San Bernardino, CA
Workshop with Fr. Michael Barry, SSCC
Workshop 8C
St. Kateri and Native American Spirituality
Fr. Jim Nisbet

Nisbet Scripture Study,
San Luis Obispo, CA
Workshop with Fr. Jim Nisbet
Workshop 9A
Learning to Witness: How to Share Your Faith With Others
Deacon Alex Jones

Archdiocese of Detroit,
Farmington Hills, MI
Workshop with Deacon Alex Jones
Workshop 8(Mass)
Sunday Morning Liturgy (7:30am)
Main Celebrant: Fr. Alex Aclan

Associate Vicar for Clergy
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Workshop with Main Celebrant: Fr. Alex Aclan
Workshop 4D
Faith: the Light that Guides Us Through Darkness
Fr. Ramon Valera

St. John Baptiste De La Salle
Granada Hills, CA
Workshop with Fr. Ramon Valera
Workshop 1C
Doubt Your Doubt, Not Your Faith!
Deacon Steve Greco

Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry
Irvine, CA
Workshop with Deacon Steve Greco
Workshop 9B
Faith Tested by Fire
Fr. Gino Henriques, CSsR

International Director of Evangelization 2033,
Based in Singapore
Workshop with Fr. Gino Henriques, CSsR
Workshop 5A
A Personal Relationship with Jesus: Fact or Fancy?
Deacon Alex Jones

Archdiocese of Detroit,
Farmington Hills, MI
Workshop with Deacon Alex Jones
Workshop 6A
Jesus, the Mercy of God
Msgr. James Mancini

Retired 30 Years as Exorcist,
Diocese of Little Rock, AR
Workshop with Msgr. James Mancini
Workshop 6C
Relax: God's in the Driver's Seat!
Fr. John Hampsch, CMF

Claretian Teaching Ministry,
Torrance, CA
Workshop with Fr. John Hampsch, CMF
Workshop 4B
Discernment: Whose Voice Am I Hearing?
Margarett Schlientz, Ph.D.

Masters in theology and spirituality
Doctorate in psychiatric nursing
Executive Director, Pope Leo XIII Institute to educate priests and exorcists in US dioceses
New Berlin, WI
Workshop with Margarett Schlientz, Ph.D.
Workshop 8D
Son, They Have No More Wine
Fr. Bill Adams, CSsR

Redemptorist Parish Ministry,
Whittier, CA
Workshop with Fr. Bill Adams, CSsR
Workshop 2D
The Lord is Our Keeper
Fr. George Reynolds

Associate Pastor,
St. Cornelius Parish,
Long Beach, CA
Workshop with Fr. George Reynolds
Workshop 4C
Angels Among Us
Dominic Berardino

President, SCRC
Burbank, CA
Workshop with Dominic Berardino
Workshop 8E
The Battle for the Mind
Fr. Bill Delaney, SJ

Pastoral Coordinator,
Los Angeles, CA
Workshop with Fr. Bill Delaney, SJ
Workshop 5D
Fruits of the Holy Spirit: Armor Against Evil
Fr. Bob Garon

St. Didacus,
Sylmar, CA
Workshop with Fr. Bob Garon
Workshop 3E
Deliverance is a Good Word
Neal Lozano

Heart of the Father Ministries,
Ardmore, PA
Workshop with Neal Lozano
Workshop 7B
Prayer: The Power of Intercession
Deacon Alex Jones

Archdiocese of Detroit,
Farmington Hills, MI
Workshop with Deacon Alex Jones
Workshop 3A
Continuing Conversion: Let My People Grow!
Deacon Alex Jones

Archdiocese of Detroit,
Farmington Hills, MI
Workshop with Deacon Alex Jones
Workshop 10E
The Father's Blessing: Key #5
Neal Lozano

Heart of the Father Ministries,
Ardmore, PA
Workshop with Neal Lozano
Workshop 10A
Growing Deeper in Personal Prayer
Margarett Schlientz, Ph.D.

Masters in theology and spirituality
Doctorate in psychiatric nursing
Executive Director, Pope Leo XIII Institute to educate priests and exorcists in US dioceses
New Berlin, WI
Workshop with Margarett Schlientz, Ph.D.
Workshop 2A
Healing the Roots of Stress
Margarett Schlientz, Ph.D.

Masters in theology and spirituality
Doctorate in psychiatric nursing
Executive Director, Pope Leo XIII Institute to educate priests and exorcists in US dioceses
New Berlin, WI
Workshop with Margarett Schlientz, Ph.D.
Workshop 5E
Power of Forgiveness: Key #2
Neal Lozano

Heart of the Father Ministries,
Ardmore, PA
Workshop with Neal Lozano
Workshop 1D
Reconciliation Service
Fr. Joshua Lee

St. Hilary Parish,
Pico Rivera, CA
Workshop with Fr. Joshua Lee
Workshop 6B
Growing in the Power of the Holy Spirit
Fr. Greg Bramlage

Missionaries of the New Evangelization,
worldwide healing and deliverance ministry
Norwood, Ohio
Workshop with Fr. Greg Bramlage
Workshop 4E
Repentance and Faith: Key #1
Neal Lozano

Heart of the Father Ministries,
Ardmore, PA
Workshop with Neal Lozano
Workshop 6E
Renunciation and Authority: Keys #3 and #4
Neal Lozano

Heart of the Father Ministries,
Ardmore, PA
Workshop with Neal Lozano
Workshop 9E
Staying Free: Renewal of the Mind
Fr. Greg Bramlage

Missionaries of the New Evangelization,
worldwide healing and deliverance ministry
Norwood, Ohio
Workshop with Fr. Greg Bramlage
Workshop 9C
Living the Charismatic Gifts of the Spirit
Deacon Steve Greco

Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry
Irvine, CA
Workshop with Deacon Steve Greco
Workshop 2B
Stemming the Hole-in-the-Pocket Faith Drain
Fr. John Hampsch, CMF

Claretian Teaching Ministry,
Torrance, CA
Workshop with Fr. John Hampsch, CMF
Workshop 7E
Ministering to Others with the Holy Spirit
Janet Lozano

Heart of the Father Ministries,
Ardmore, PA
Workshop with Janet Lozano
Workshop 2C
Faith of the Church Fathers
John Michael Talbot

Award-winning Catholic Singer/Songwriter;
Founder, Brothers and Sisters of Charity
Berryville, AR
Workshop with John Michael Talbot

View All Workshops by Clicking Here.
Attention Sunday Commuters

If you plan to drive to the Convention on Sunday,
please see our directions and information on road closures due to the marathon.