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2017 Priest Gathering on Healing and Deliverance Ministry

2017 Priest Gathering on Healing and Deliverance Ministry
Fri, Sep 1 2017
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
"Exploring Deliverance Prayer": A free, special gathering designed exclusively for Roman Catholic priests.
Become more spiritually equipped in your Pastoral Ministry.

This gathering, focussing on healing, deliverance, and exorcism minsitry will help Roman Catholic priests with their ministries in these areas.

The event will expand and build upon past SCRC Conventions and Priest Gatherings while also providing useful information to priests less familiar with this type of ministry.

This event is free of charge. All Roman Catholic priests in good standing are encouraged to attend.
"A Bishop Prays Deliverance Prayers"
Bishop David O'Connell
San Gabriel Pastoral Region
Archdiocese of Los Angeles

"Practical Approaches to Deliverance Prayer"
Neal Lozano
Heart of the Father Ministries
Ardmore, PA

"Demonic Influence and Psychiatric Disorders"
Fr. Jose Antonio Fortea
Exorcist, Diocese of Alcala de Henares (Madrid), Spain
Anaheim Convention Center - Room 212
800 West Katella Avenue
Anaheim, CA 92802

RSVP/Register Below or by calling SCRC at (818) 771-1361

Registration is free for this special event. Parking fee is imposed by the City of Anaheim. Open only to Roman Catholic priests in good standing.

Registration for this event is separate from the weekend Convention. Convention registration is not required.

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Status: Expired