Please Note: This page is for a past Convention.
The most recent Convention page can be found at .
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Young Adults Conference
Workshops specific to the Young Adult Conference
Saturday, Sept. 3 2011
11:30 am Workshop 4Y
Eucharist: The New Manna
Fr. Jim Nisbet
Nisbet Scripture Study,
San Luis Obispo, CA

As God fed Moses and the Israelites in the desert, Jesus feeds us in the Eucharist.
Workshop with Fr. Jim Nisbet
2:00 pm Workshop 5Y
From Promise to Fulfillment
Sr. Rosalind Moss
Founder, Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel's Hope
Tulsa, OK

Sr. Rosalind will share insights on discerning God's will based on her journey from Judaism, through Evangelical Christianity, and ultimately within the Catholic Church.
Workshop with Sr. Rosalind Moss
3:30 pm Workshop 6Y
The Holy Spirit is Our Heritage
Fr. Bill Delaney, SJ, and Deacon Steve Greco
The Holy Spirit: present in the Old Testament, revealed in the New Testament, and living in us today.
Workshop with Fr. Bill Delaney, SJ, and Deacon Steve Greco
Those who sign up for the Young Adult Conference will also have their full choice of the Friday and Sunday Workshops.
You can view them by clicking here.

Full Weekend Activities:

  • Soul-Stirring Music
  • Inspiring & Uplifting Presentations
  • Dynamic Daily Masses
  • Saturday Night Jesus & Java Social
  • Midnight Adoration
  • Opportunity for
      Prayer Ministry & Confession

Click Here to Register Online Now!

Jesus & Java Social: Saturday Sept. 3
10:00pm - 12:30am

Jesus and Java Social
$5 when you Register or at the Door