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Saint of the Day

Blessed Innocent of Berzo

April 9
Italian. 1844-1890
Beatified by Pope John XXIII on Nov. 12, 1961.

Capuchin priest. Having a special gift working with those seeking the Franciscan life, he was made assistant novice master, then director of candidates for the order. Died on a preaching tour. Both miracles for his beatification.

"Let everyone pay attention to his own nature. For, while one person can get along with less indulgence, I would not have another, who requires more, try to imitate him; but rather let him take his own nature into account and grant it what it truly needs. Just as we must guard against superfluity of food, so must we beware of too great abstinence. God wants mercy, not sacrifice." - Bl. Innocent of Berzo

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