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Saint of the Day

Blessed Maria Grazia Tarallo

July 27
Italian. 1866-1912
(also known as Blessed Maria of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ)

Born to Leopoldo Tarallo and Concetta Borriello, Maria was raised in a pious family, and received a Christian education. She made a private vow of virginity at age five in front of a statue of the Blessed Mother. Made her First Communion at age 7, and received Confirmation at 10. Feeling drawn to religious life, at 22 she wanted to enter a convent, but her family opposed it, hoping she would marry; however, the young man who had proposed to her died before the wedding. Entered the monastery of the Sisters Crucified Adorers of the Eucharist in Barra on 1 June 1891, taking the name Sister Maria of the Passion. Student of the Servant of God Maria Pia Notari. Served as novice mistress and as spiritual guide to her sisters, worked in the kitchen and laundry, and as porter. Known for her life of charity, deep prayer, and devotion to her Congregation and the Eucharist.

Quotes by Blessed Maria....
"My name is Sr. Maria of the Passion and I must resemble the Master".

"I want to be holy, loving Jesus in the Eucharist, suffering with Christ Crucified and seeing Christ in my brothers and sisters."

"I exhort you to holy perseverance according to the Rule, readiness in obedience and especially daily Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Love Jesus in the Eucharist, never leave him alone, do not anger him, do not disappoint him." - Blessed Maria to her Sisters

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