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Regular Workshops | |
Christ Triumphant General | Recommended for lay leaders, prayer group service teams, and prayer ministers. |
Christ Triumphant Pastoral | RESTRICTED REGISTRATION: Only open to Clergy and Healthcare Professionals. Lay leaders/ministers wishing to attend the Pastoral Track must sign up for the General Track and submit a resume. |
Vietnamese+Regular Workshops | Saturday Vietnamese Conference + selection of non-Vietnamese workshops on Friday & Sunday |
Vietnamese Conference | Saturday Only. Conducted in the Vietnamese language. |
Regular Workshops
Friday, August 31, 2012
Opening Session: 10:30am - 11:30am
Opening Prayer and Praise Service

Dominic Berardino and Fr. Matt Munoz
Dominic Berardino:
President, SCRC
Fr. Matt Munoz:
Diocese of Orange
President, SCRC
Fr. Matt Munoz:
Diocese of Orange
Hear Fr. Munoz's amazing vocation story as he shares equal gratitude for his Latino immigrant paternal grandparents (who became U.S. Citizens)
as well as his maternal grandparents and famous grandfather, John Wayne who at the dusk of life, converted to the Catholic faith.
as well as his maternal grandparents and famous grandfather, John Wayne who at the dusk of life, converted to the Catholic faith.
Session 1: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 204
Prayer: Fellowship with God

Charismatic Leader
Buckinghamshire, England
Buckinghamshire, England
Prayer is often the most talked about and least practiced part of our spiritual life, but prayer is not my idea--it is God's. Prayer touches God in a way nothing else does, so how can I improve my prayer life? (Jer. 33:3)
Recommended for New Attendees
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 201
Healing Family Relationships

Spirit Ministries,
San Diego, CA
San Diego, CA
Friendship is the answer! The basis for all healthy relationships is having a strong friendship with Jesus. Jesus wants to be our best friend, and it is through him that all other relationships are developed and healed
Hall A (Gold-Drapes)
Reconciliation Service

Episcopal Vicar for the San Fernando Pastoral Region,
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Communal reconciliation emphasizes that our sins affect others and our reconciliation is with the community as well as with God. In this hour, you will be nourished by the prayers of others, and have the opportunity for a brief private confession.
The only other scheduled confession time is during Saturday lunch in Hall A.
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 203
A Journey Toward Freedom Through the Lord's Prayer

Author, Speaker,
Whittier, CA
Whittier, CA
If you meditate on the Lord's Prayer from the end phrase to the beginning--from "Deliver us from Evil" tom "Our Father"--you move from the world of evil to the world of the Father. Join Kay in a walk through eight steps, tracing the journey of the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land and to your own journey to freedom.
Session 2: 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 204
Tapping In To God's Power and Might

Peace, Freedom & Healing Ministry,
Montreal, Canada
Montreal, Canada
In times of crisis, what do we do? Judith spent a long time in prayer, which was well used, as victory and deliverance ensue (Judith 9:12). When we have tapped into God's strength, we have the victory. Join us as we learn how to enter into God's power and might.
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 201
The New Evangelization

St. Elizabeth Seton House of Prayer
Scarsdale, NY
Scarsdale, NY
Pope John Paul II gave an urgent call to all Catholics to 'a new evangelization'. In our era of profound secularism, violence, and loss of hope, evangelization must bring churched Catholics to a personal relationship with Jesus as Lord; alienated, former Catholics to healing and reconciliation with the Church; and the unconverted to acceptance of the Gospel.
Recommended for New Attendees
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 210
Powerful God - Weakling Me

St. Didacus,
Sylmar, CA
St. Didacus,
Sylmar, CA
Despite our attempts to be the great disciples of our time, it is the examples of the saints and our contemporaries who recognize their own inadequacies that make the difference. They allow God to be revealed, as they know that "For when I am weak, then I am strong." (2 Cor. 12:1)
Hall A (Gold-Drapes)
Give to the Lord the Glory Due His Name!

St. John Baptiste De La Salle
Granada Hills, CA
St. John Baptiste De La Salle
Granada Hills, CA
Our personal experience of God's awesome love changes us. In our prayer meetings we see that everything around us is filled with God's presence and this makes us thankful. Hence, it is right and just to give him thanks and praise, and to worship him as our loving God. Give to the Lord glory and praise!
Recommended for New Attendees
Session 3: 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 204
Family Harmony: Reality or Fantasy

Fr. Bill Easterling and Tricia Tembreull
Fr. Bill Easterling:
Pastor, Sacred Heart Parish, Covina, CA
Tricia Tembreull:
Life Teen Communications Director, Mesa, AZ
Pastor, Sacred Heart Parish, Covina, CA
Tricia Tembreull:
Life Teen Communications Director, Mesa, AZ
In a culture where opinions are broadcast through social media without consequences and society values what's popular over over truth, can harmony exist in the family? Come hear Fr. Bill and Tricia share inspiring and practical ways to bring peace into your family home.
All are Welcome, including Youth Groups & Teens with Parent-Guardian.
Recommended for Young Adults
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 201
Prayer of the Amateur--the 'Gimme Overload

Claretian Teaching Ministry,
Torrance, CA
Torrance, CA
A 'friend' who never contacts you except to ask a favor is not a true friend. Persons whose prayer is almost exclusively petition are spiritually immature. God delights in using his power and might to give, but he also wants to receive. This talk is a step-by-step plan to balance and refashion your prayer life.
Recommended for New Attendees
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 210
Living the Eucharistic Pattern

John Paul II Resource Center
Phoenix, AZ
John Paul II Resource Center
Phoenix, AZ
Pope John Paul II exhorted all Catholics to make their lives "in a certain way completely Eucharistic." How is this possible? Katrina will share how this Eucharistic pattern of being chosen, blessed, broken, and given can be inscribed into our daily lives and a guide in our prayer.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Session 4: 9:00am - 11:00am
God of Power and Might

Fr. Gary Thomas and Fr. Jose Antonio Fortea
Fr. Gary Thomas:
Principal subject of the book and major motion picture, "The Rite".
Exorcist for the Diocese of San Jose, CA
Fr. Jose Antonio Fortea:
Author of "Interview With An Exorcist".
Expert in Demonology.
Exorcist for the Diocese of Madrid, Spain.
Principal subject of the book and major motion picture, "The Rite".
Exorcist for the Diocese of San Jose, CA
Fr. Jose Antonio Fortea:
Author of "Interview With An Exorcist".
Expert in Demonology.
Exorcist for the Diocese of Madrid, Spain.
A very rare opportunity to hear two world-famous exorcists tell their stories.
General Assembly
Open to All Saturday Registrants
Open to All Saturday Registrants
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 204
Healing the Family Tree

Mary's Mercy Center,
San Bernardino, CA
Mary's Mercy Center,
San Bernardino, CA
Families have gifts, talents, accomplishments, but also sin, shame and disgrace. Healing of negative effects transmitted through past generations is possible through Christ, especially in the Eucharist. *Note: Extended time for healing the family tree prayer will follow talk.
Recommended for New Attendees
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 201
Jesus, the Master Healer

National Coordinator,
Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities,
Stockton, CA
Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities,
Stockton, CA
Jesus is still healing today by the power of the Holy Spirit. How can we receive His healing? How can we share this healing power with others? *Note: Extended time for healing prayer and empowerment will follow talk.
Recommended for New Attendees
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 210
Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Monastery of the Risen Christ,
San Luis Obispo, CA
San Luis Obispo, CA
Fr. Raymond will explain what it means to be Baptized in the Holy Spirit. All present will have the opportunity to be prayed over for the release of the Holy Spirit in their lives. *Note: Extended time for baptism of the Holy Spirit will follow talk.
Recommended for New Attendees
Session 5: 11:30am - 12:30pm
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 204
Healing of Memories

Healing Light Ministry
Hemet, CA
Hemet, CA
"By refusing to face our painful memories, we miss the opportunity to change our hearts and grow mature in repentance."(Nouwen) This talk will include an explanation on the Healing of Memories and prayer for healing.
Recommended for New Attendees
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 201
Overcoming Stress

Marriage/Family Therapist,
Irvine, CA
Irvine, CA
Stress is part of every person's life. Unfortunately, sometimes it can become unmanageable. If you are experiencing overwhelming stress in your life, come and learn effective emotional, mental and spiritual strategies to overcoming it.
Hall A (Gold-Drapes)
True and False Ecumenism

Charismatic Leader
Buckinghamshire, England
Buckinghamshire, England
At the Second Vatican Council, the church committed herself irrevocable to the journey to Christian unity. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal has a special calling to this, but how do we embrace the call whilst avoiding the dangers of a false approach to ecumenism? (John 17:21)
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 203
Expect and Experience Miracles!

Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry
Irvine, CA
Irvine, CA
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is with us everyday. He wants us to live an abundant life by experiencing the miracles that through grace are in our lives. Learn how to ask for God's intervention, healing, and blessings for our family, loved ones and ourselves.
Recommended for New Attendees
Session 6: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 204
Building and Healing Relationships

St. Elizabeth Seton House of Prayer
Scarsdale, NY
Scarsdale, NY
Unity is a necessary part of keeping the fire of the Holy Spirit alive and of our witness to the presence of God among us. We need to build relationships of unity by taking time to listen to one another and to heal broken relationships by living in ongoing forgiveness.
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 201
Discovering the Surprising Way to Survive Tough Times

Speaker, Singer & Author,
San Juan Capistrano, CA
San Juan Capistrano, CA
As a quadriplegic for many years, Renee studied Scriptures about the power of praise in painful times. She will share about the untapped tool that exists for us if we praise God even in the darkest times.
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 210
Preaching or Healing

Peace, Freedom & Healing Ministry,
Montreal, Canada
Montreal, Canada
In Luke 9:11, we read, "He (Jesus) welcomed them and spoke to them of the reign of God, and he healed all who were in need of healing." What is the connection between preaching and healing? Let's gather in this workshop to hear God's word and to seek his healing touch.
Hall A (Gold-Drapes)
The Dynamic Power of Gratitude

Redemptorist Parish Ministry,
Whittier, CA
Whittier, CA
Both the Scriptures and modern psychology proclaim the power of gratitude to lift up and set free. We will reflect on both Scripture and science to open us up to this dynamic power.
Recommended for New Attendees
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 203
New Beginnings: How to Have a God-Honored Marriage

Deacon Glenn Harmon & Linda Harmon
Glenn Harmon Ministries,
Hemet, CA
Hemet, CA
This talk will offer practical, down-to-earth, spirit-filled and insightful ways to tap into the transforming power of God's grace. You can take the best of 'what was' and create the best of 'what is' to have the marriage you've always wanted.
Session 7: 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 201
The Single Life: Pickle Juice or Champagne?

John Paul II Resource Center
Phoenix, AZ
John Paul II Resource Center
Phoenix, AZ
This workshop will share a powerful and new way for single people to look at themselves and their purpose and mission in the world and the church. Instead of seeing themselves as a "nonentity" during this seemingly invisible "waiting" period, singles are invited to see themselves as indispensable to the church and society.
Recommended for Young Adults
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 210
In God We Trust-- All Others Pay Cash

Claretian Teaching Ministry,
Torrance, CA
Torrance, CA
This classic one-liner facetiously reminds us that the Almighty God of power and might is more reliable than any earthling. He is also a God of wisdom and love. This talk will teach the art of trusting God, especially for soul-weary Christians.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Session 8: 8:00am - 9:00am
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 201
Fundamentals of Discernment

Pastoral Coordinator,
Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, CA
St. Ignatius of Loyola often ended his letters with the prayer that we might know and fulfill God's holy will. How do we recognize the Lord's gentle voice amid the many messages that bombard us each day? Come and grow in your ability to sort out God's invitation from simply human ideas and suggestions of the Evil One.
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 210
Healing the Wounds of Life's Twists and Turns

Peace, Freedom & Healing Ministry,
Montreal, Canada
Montreal, Canada
What is the divine prescription to be healed of my particular situation? Jesus "healed all who were in need of healing" (Luke 9:11) So take courage! God has healing in store for you. Come and see what this healing experience can mean in your own life.
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 204
Lord, Help Me Get Rid of the Barriers to Healing!

National Coordinator,
Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities,
Stockton, CA
Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities,
Stockton, CA
It is the Lord's will to heal his people; however, there are many obstacles that prevent His healing. Bob will identify those barriers and show how to cooperate with God to remove them.
Session 9: 9:30am - 10:30am
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 201
Once a Charismatic, Always a Charismatic

Mary's Mercy Center,
San Bernardino, CA
Mary's Mercy Center,
San Bernardino, CA
In addition to baptism with water, the scriptures frequently refer to the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Right before Jesus ascended into heaven, he said " a few days you will e baptized with the Holy Spirit." St. Cyprian of Carthage said "There is a difference between those who are baptized and those who are baptized in the Spirit." What does it all mean?
Hall A (Gold-Drapes)
The Seven Sorrows of Mary

Author, Speaker,
Whittier, CA
Whittier, CA
The Devotion of the Seven Sorrows promotes union with the sufferings of Christ through the sufferings that his mother endured throughout her life. By meditating on the Seven Sorrows, we find healing for our own wounds and compassion for those who sorrow.
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 203
All Power and Authority is Established and Found in Christ

Charismatic Ministry,
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish,
Overgaard, AZ
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish,
Overgaard, AZ
In this workshop, we will learn and discover that "all things are possible in Christ, which depends on our degree of faith in him! As St. Paul proclaimed, "All things work to good for those who love the Lord." We must then learn to walk by faith and love, and thus become confident to share in all that God has for us.
Session 10: 11:00am - 12:00pm
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 204
The Importance of Charismatic Renewal in the Church Today

St. Elizabeth Seton House of Prayer
Scarsdale, NY
Scarsdale, NY
At Pentecost the early Church received the fulfillment of the promise "you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." (Acts 1:5) The heart of the Charismatic Renewal is to bring everyone to a personal experience of that grace of Pentecost. As the Holy Spirit was for the early Church, so it needs to be for the Church today.
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 210
When the Script of Life Changes

John Paul II Resource Center
Phoenix, AZ
John Paul II Resource Center
Phoenix, AZ
Ever notice that life doesn't always go the way we expected? When this happens, it can challenge our faith, joy and zest for life. Katrina will offer insights on how the changes in life can actually draw us closer to God and deeper into prayer instead of overwhelming us in pain and disappointment.
Recommended for Young Adults
Conv. Ctr. Rm. 203
Conquering Compassion Fatigue

Marriage/Family Therapist,
Irvine, CA
Irvine, CA
Caring for others, whether our children, parents, spouses, or others, can burn us out fast. We need the skills to deal with it and keep up adequate care for ourselves. In this workshop, come and learn ways to restore your mind, body, and soul and keep the balance between our self-care and care for others.