Attendees to the 2016 SCRC Convention have a choice of a variety ticket options. The Teen Conference and the Children's Program have organized schedule of activities and teachings suitable for each program, while the Regular Weekend and the Christ Triumphant Track have a slate of talks that start with the Opening Prayer and Praise and continue over 10 Sessions through the course of the three day Convention. Regular Weekend attendees choose 1 talk during each of the 10 sessions. Any talk that is full will be marked "Sold Out" on this page or when you register online. This page is updated in real-time and represents the most up to date information available. Please consult this page before filling out your mailed-in registration. Those registering online will know during the time of registration whether a talk is full and will be placed directly into their talk of choice.
= Part of the Christ Triumphant Track.
Friday, September 2, 2016
Convention Opening: 10:30am - 11:30am
Opening Prayer & Praise
![]() Associate Pastor, Our Lady of Grace,
Encino, CA Fr. Juan Cano will open the Convention by welcoming the Holy Spirit into the minds and hearts of the assembly in order to to inspire them throughout the weekend. Fr. Juan will share his moving personal testimonial as well as lead the congregation in music and song.
Session 1: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Room 201
The Healing Power of Baptism
![]() Peace, Freedom & Healing Ministry,
Montreal, Canada Tremendous power resides in the graces of our baptismal commitment, including "the power to live and acts under the promptings of the Holy Spirit through the gifts of the Holy Spirit" (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1266). Come celebrate the rich blessings of our Baptism.
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner
Reconciliation Service
![]() Episcopal Vicar for the San Fernando Pastoral Region,
Archdiocese of Los Angeles Communal reconciliation emphasizes that our sins affect others and our reconciliation is with the community as well as with God. In this hour, you will be nourished by the prayers of others, and have the opportunity for a brief private confession.
The only other scheduled confession time is during Saturday lunch in Hall A. Room 203
Lord, Help Me to Cope!
Room 204
Lessons I Have Learned Since Becoming an Exorcist
![]() Principal subject of the book and major motion picture, "The Rite".
Exorcist for the Diocese of San Jose, CA The enemy tries to lead us astray and hides behind many disguises. Fr. Gary provides insights into the many faces of Satan in the cosmic battle between God and Satan over us.
Part of the Christ Triumphant Track
Session 2: 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Go Out and Find the Meaning of Mercy
Room 201
Spreading the Fire through Transformation
![]() Council Member,
Vatican based ICCRS & President, US Hispanic Renewal One of the best ways for the Charismatic Renewal to spread is through our own transformation. This talk will help us reflect on how, by keeping the flame of God's love in our lives, we become living witnesses and authentic missionaries in the transforming power of God.
Room 204
Healing and Protection of Your Family from Dark Influences
![]() Internal Medicine,
Psychiatry, and Pediatrics. Healing and Deliverance Ministry, Monterey, CA Dr. Hunt will discuss the topic of family dysfunction. She will approach understanding and ministering to families from psychological, social, and spiritual perspectives.
Part of the Christ Triumphant Track
Session 3: 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Purgatory: Reduced to Love
![]() President, SCRC
Burbank, CA Love alone purifies. Love alone unites. God is always at work in us pouring His love into us. As we let Him, all that is opposed to love is removed, until anything but love remains, and we are ready to enter His presence.
Speaker Change: Due to serious health reasons, Fr. Doug Lorig will be replaced by Dominic Berardino. Dominic and Fr. Doug collaborated in developing the outline for this talk, and Dominic has been researching and teaching on these subjects for over four decades. Room 201
Family Tree Healing
![]() Past President of ACTheals,
Chicago, IL God created our human family, and entered into a human family to bring us to redemption. Jesus' redemptive death and resurrection heals the suffering, illness and death that resulted from sin. Learn how Jesus' and Mary's intercession helps us experience that healing in our families today.
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner
Advancing in the Mission of Charismatic Renewal
![]() Director,
Catholic Center of Charismatic Renewal, San Antonio, TX What is the Holy Spirit saying to Charismatic Renewal about our mission through Pope Francis, as well as the international and national leadership for Catholic Charismatic Renewal? Fr. Bob will share his reflections on Charismatic Renewal from his book, Celebrating a Charismatic Jubilee.
Room 203
Choosing to Live in the Living Hope
Room 204
Resisting the Evil One
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Session 4: 9:30am - 10:30am
Room 201
Jesus is Lord! - Charismatic Seminar, Part 1
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner
I Will Come to You in the Silence: The Language of God
Room 203
Giving Your Faith a Tune Up: Works of Mercy
Room 204
Four Ordinary Means of Protection from Satan for Catholics
![]() Principal subject of the book and major motion picture, "The Rite".
Exorcist for the Diocese of San Jose, CA Fr. Gary discusses the spiritual arsenal that is at our disposal for spiritual protection which Catholics often forget. Jesus does not call us to FEAR the devil. We are told: "Resist the devil."
Part of the Christ Triumphant Track
Session 5: 11:00am - 12:00pm
Room 201
The Holy Spirit and Power! Charismatic Seminar Part 2
![]() Peace, Freedom & Healing Ministry,
Montreal, Canada In recent decades over 150 million Catholics world-wide have been impacted by one of the greatest moves of the Holy Spirit in history. Come with a prayerfully prepared heart to implore Jesus for a fuller Baptism-immersion in the Holy Spirit.
Recommended for Newcomers Hall A - Gold Draped Corner
Lord, Show Us the Way to Victory
![]() National Coordinator,
Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities, Stockton, CA It is God's will for us to be victorious in our lives. St. Paul says in Rom 8:37, "In all these things, we conquer overwhelmingly through Him who loves us." What are the ways for us to achieve this victory in His Name?
Room 203
Music Ministry Workshop: The Pews Are Alive!
Mike & Suzie Wooldridge
![]() Mike: Music Director,
St. Finbar, Burbank, CA Suzie: Liturgist, St. Kateri, Santa Clarita, CA Vatican II calls for the full, conscious and active participation of all in liturgical celebrations. This workshop will experientially address the spiritual role of music ministry in fully engaging the assembly at Sunday Mass.
Room 204
Ministry to the Deceased: A Mission of Mercy- Part 1
![]() President, SCRC
Burbank, CA Is it possible that some souls do their purgatory on earth, tied to a place of sin or grief or something they cannot let go of? Dominic will share some extraordinary experiences with such "poor souls".
Part of the Christ Triumphant Track Speaker Change: Due to serious health reasons, Fr. Doug Lorig will be replaced by Dominic Berardino. Dominic and Fr. Doug collaborated in developing the outline for this talk, and Dominic has been researching and teaching on these subjects for over four decades.
Session 6: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Mega Healing Service
Fr. Mike Barry, Dr. Elizabeth Kim, Fr. Ismael Robles - Music Led by Donna Lee and Gretchen Harris
The most comprehensive Healing Service ever held at an SCRC Convention. Experience the Healing Touch of Jesus at this 2 1/2 hour service (no break). Prayer ministry teams and laying on of hands available.
Prayer for: -Inner Healing -Physical Healing -Removing Obstacles to Healing -Healing of Relationships -Spiritual Healing This Service last until 4:30pm. Room 201
A Gracious and Merciful God May Be Proclaimed Only by a Gracious and Merciful People
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner
Growing Love in Our Relationships
Room 203
The Holy Spirit's Charisms for Today
Room 204
When I Was in Prison, Did You Come Visit Me?
![]() Prison Ministry,
Exorcist for the Diocese of Monterey, CA Being merciful to our brothers and sisters incarcerated in prisons, jails, and juvenile halls opens the door to combating the tactics of the evil one in their lives. Come see how this works on a practical level.
Part of the Christ Triumphant Track
Session 7: 3:30pm - 4:30pm
(On-Going) Mega Healing Service
Anyone selecting the Mega Healing Service (6A) will not be placed into a Session 7 talk, as the Mega Healing Service spans both Sessions 6 and 7.
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner
Missionary Disciples in the New Evangelization
![]() Council Member,
Vatican based ICCRS & President, US Hispanic Renewal "The new evangelization calls for personal involvement of each of the baptized... We are missionary disciples", proclaimed Pope Francis in The Joy of the Gospel. This talk introduces a renewed understanding of Catholic Evangelization, providing helpful tips of how to use our gifts to share the love and presence of Jesus.
Room 204
What is the "Noonday Demon"?
![]() Judicial Vicar, Vicar for Canonical Affairs, Exorcist
Archdiocese of Chicago, Illinois Acedia, or spiritual slot, is considered by some to be one of the greatest modern day foes. The devil is commonly understood to make his appearance at night, in the darkness. But what do we do when he slithers into our daily routines? How do I overcome this adversary in my daily living?
Part of the Christ Triumphant Track
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Session 8: 8:00am - 9:00am
Sunday Morning Liturgy (7:30am)
Fr. Daniel McBride
![]() Pastor,
St. Mary Church, Chandler, AZ Important: Mass begins at 7:30 AM. Please see the website about Sunday morning road closures requiring extra time for commuting. Room 201
Take Every Thought Captive
![]() Pastoral Coordinator,
SCRC Los Angeles, CA We are thinking all the time. We are invited to notice our thoughts, recognize their source, and grow in responding to them well. We will look at tactics for taking our thought life captive in obedience to Christ.
This workshop begins at 8:00 AM. Attention Commuters: Many roads will be closed Sunday morning because of the Disney Marathon. Please give yourself extra time for the commute. Hall A - Gold Draped Corner
Forgiveness: God's Healing Mercy
![]() Peace, Freedom & Healing Ministry,
Montreal, Canada Forgiveness is a powerful journey to a joy-filled life. When the wounds of our heart are brought to the Lord for healing, we are empowered to receive serenity in our own lives while blessing others at the same time.
This workshop begins at 8:00 AM. Attention Commuters: Many roads will be closed Sunday morning because of the Disney Marathon. Please give yourself extra time for the commute. Room 204
Does God See a Distinction Between Mercy and Justice?
![]() Nisbet Scripture Study,
San Luis Obispo, CA For God, granting me mercy is an act of justice because it is just what he promised to do for me.
This workshop begins at 8:00 AM. Attention Commuters: Many roads will be closed Sunday morning because of the Disney Marathon. Please give yourself extra time for the commute.
Session 9: 9:30am - 10:30am
Being a Prophetic, Discerning and Gifted People
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner
Mercy in Today's Chaotic World
Room 203
Mercy Me! I'm Getting Old!
Session 10: 11:00am - 12:00pm
The Whisperings of His Heart
Room 201
Unleashing God's Anointing to Heal
![]() National Coordinator,
Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities, Stockton, CA The apostles and disciples of Jesus had turned this world 'upside down and inside out' through the anointing from the Holy Spirit. God's anointing is needed for one to receive and minister healing in His Name. The question: How are we to effectively receive and unleash His anointing for God's glory?
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner
New Beginnings: How to Have Merciful Marriage & Family
![]() Glenn Harmon Ministries,
Hemet, CA It seems that so many marriage and families are stressed and overextended with life's demands and pressures. At times we struggle with being merciful to those that are closet to us. This talk will provide you with practical ways that will bring you to the essentials of mercy, gratitude, conversion, renewal and reconciliation.
Room 203
Mercy is a One-Way Street
Room 204
Ministry to the Deceased: A Mission of Mercy- Part 2
![]() President, SCRC
Burbank, CA Many people have encounters with souls of the deceased but are reluctant to disclose them. Here is spiritual direction on what to do in the event of a locution or apparition of someone deceased. How to prayerfully help suicides into God's arms of mercy will also be covered.
Part of the Christ Triumphant Track Speaker Change: Due to serious health reasons, Fr. Doug Lorig will be replaced by Dominic Berardino. Dominic and Fr. Doug collaborated in developing the outline for this talk, and Dominic has been researching and teaching on these subjects for over four decades. |