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Attendees to the 2017 SCRC Convention have a choice of a variety ticket options. The Teen Conference and the Children's Program have organized schedule of activities and teachings suitable for each program, while the Regular Weekend and the Christ Triumphant Track have a slate of talks that start with the Opening Prayer and Praise and continue over 10 Sessions through the course of the three day Convention. Regular Weekend attendees choose 1 talk during each of the 10 sessions. Any talk that is full will be marked "Sold Out" on this page or when you register online. This page is updated in real-time and represents the most up to date information available. Please consult this page before filling out your mailed-in registration. Those registering online will know during the time of registration whether a talk is full and will be placed directly into their talk of choice.
= Part of the Christ Triumphant Track.
Friday, September 1, 2017
Convention Opening: 10:30am - 11:30am
Opening Prayer & Praise
![]() Associate Pastor,
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Newhall, CA Fr. Ethan Southard opens the Convention by welcoming the Holy Spirit into the minds and hearts of the assembly in order to to inspire them throughout the weekend.
With MC's Deacon Stephen and Silvia Montross, St. Raphael, Goleta, CA
Session 1: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Pope Francis' Vision for the Charismatic Renewal
![]() Executive Director,
National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the United States, Locust Grove, VA Pope Francis' experience with the Renewal in Argentina has influenced his vision for the worldwide Renewal which he began to flesh out with public statements to the Renewal. This talk will explore his vision to be further developed at the 50th Jubilee Celebration in Rome.
"Golden Jubilee Celebration" Talk Room 201
Plug into the Power of God's Spirit
![]() Author, Speaker, Whittier, CA Before Jesus ascended into Heaven, he told his disciples that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them. The Holy Spirit will give you the power to accomplish the Lord's work, beyond your abilities, if you stay connected--plugged into the Spirit.
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner
Reconciliation Service
![]() Pastor,
St. John Baptiste De La Salle Granada Hills, CA Communal reconciliation emphasizes that our sins affect others and our reconciliation is with the community as well as with God. In this hour, you will be nourished by the prayers of others, and have the opportunity for a brief private confession. (The only other confession time is on Saturday during lunch in Hall A.)
Room 204
Personal Reflections on Being An Exorcist
![]() Exorcist,
Diocese of Alcala de Henares (Madrid), Spain Fr. Fortea is a world renowned exorcist and one of the Church's foremost experts in the field of demonology. If you've read his books or followed his many international media interviews and articles, then you won't want to miss this "in-person" presentation.
Session 2: 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Walking in Your Anointing
![]() President,
Hope and Purpose Ministries, Kenner, LA God called you for a purpose and by discovering that purpose, you can successfully discern and develop your divine mission with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Come and learn how to discover your divine purpose and to walk in your divine mission under the anointing of God.
Room 201
You, My Brothers and Sisters, Pray for Me to the Lord our God
Room 204
A Psychiatrist Examines the Reality of the Demonic
Session 3: 4:00pm - 5:00pm
The Spirit and the Bride Say "Come"
![]() Coordinator,
Catholic Charismatic Renewal, New Orleans, LA Cardinal Suenens wrote, "In her testimony, Patti also links to the Baptism in the Spirit the name and the spiritual maternity of Mary, teaching us again that Jesus Christ continues to be born mystically of the Holy Spirit and of Mary and that no one should separate what God has joined together." Come learn about this mystery of Mary and the Holy Spirit.
"Golden Jubilee Celebration" Talk
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Session 4: 9:30am - 10:30am
Announcing the Lordship of Jesus
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner
My Encounter With the Holy Spirit
![]() Charismatic Ministry,
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, Overgaard, AZ Come hear the colorful testimony of Fr. Charles, as he shares his journey from the music and entertainment industry in the 60's & early 70's, to his priestly calling from God. He has since been faithfully involved in Charismatic Renewal for four decades, ministering to people through the gifts of the Holy Spirit!
Session 5: 11:00am - 12:00pm
As By A New Pentecost: Testimony of the Duquesne Weekend
![]() Coordinator,
Catholic Charismatic Renewal, New Orleans, LA Fifty years ago Patti was present at the Duquesne weekend which sparked the beginning of the largest ecclesial movement: the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. She will share her eyewitness account and pray with those present for a double portion of the Holy Spirit.
Recommended for Newcomers "Golden Jubilee Celebration" Talk Hall A - Gold Draped Corner
Compassionate Love: The Power to Forgive and Reconcile
![]() Marriage/Family Therapist, Irvine, CA Learning to activate the healing process of forgiving with one's soul, mind, heart and will increases our joy and builds stronger, renewed relationships. Forgiveness says, "Who you are is more important than what you did." Come journey from forgiveness to reconciliation!
Session 6: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Mega Healing Service
Fr. Michael Barry, SSCC, Dr. Elizabeth Kim, Dominic Berardino Donna Lee & Gretchen Harris
The most comprehensive Healing Service ever held at an SCRC Convention. Experience the Healing Touch of Jesus at this 2 1/2 hour service (no break). Prayer ministry teams and laying on of hands available.
Prayer for: -Inner Healing -Physical Healing -Removing Obstacles to Healing -Healing of Relationships -Spiritual Healing (Not a Mass) This Service last until 4:30pm. Room 201
SOS! Hidden Traps Endangering Today's Youth
![]() President and CEO,
Million Kids, Riverside, CA Young people today use devices that can influence their morals, spirituality, gender identity, self-image and decisions. Opal will share her compelling experiences to empower parents, school and church leaders to keep our young people safe and aware of the dangerous traps.
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner
Evangelization in a Culture of Individualism and Social Media
![]() Executive Director,
National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the United States, Locust Grove, VA Pope Francis' approach to evangelization emphasizes the importance of personal encounter and accompanying a person by listening to their needs and life situations. The necessity of preparation and willingness to be available to the Holy Spirit will be emphasized.
Session 7: 3:30pm - 4:30pm
(In-Progress) Mega Healing Service
Anyone selecting the Mega Healing Service (6A) will not be placed into a Session 7 talk, as the Mega Healing Service spans both Sessions 6 and 7.
Room 201
Walking in the Supernatural: A Workshop on the Gift of Tongues
Room 210
Current of Grace
![]() Coordinator,
Catholic Charismatic Renewal, New Orleans, LA Pope Francis told the Charismatic Renewal in 2014, "Your movement's birth was willed by the Holy Spirit to be a current of grace in the Church and for the Church. This is your identity: to be a current of grace." Come learn how to be immersed in the current of grace.
"Golden Jubilee Celebration" Talk
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Session 8: 8:00am - 9:00am
Room 201
Equipped, Gifted and Encouraged for Mission
![]() Peace, Freedom & Healing Ministry,
Montreal, Canada Jesus cites a prophecy regarding the restoration of Zion (Is. 61:1-3) as referring to His mission. It is our call and mission also. We will experience how Baptism, Confirmation, Baptism in Holy Spirit all connect us and our mission to the mission with Jesus.
Room 204
And I Will Heal Their Land
Session 9: 9:30am - 10:30am
Defining Happiness: The Key to Life's Meaning and Destiny
![]() President, Magis Institute
Garden Grove, CA Currently appearing weekly on EWTN in “Father Spitzer’s Universe†By analyzing the meaning of happiness and being purposeful about what will truly fulfill us, we can avoid incredible unhappiness and the underliving of our lives. We discover the truth of St. Augustine's sage principle, "...our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee."
Room 201
The Golden Jubliee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal
![]() President,
Hope and Purpose Ministries, Kenner, LA During the Golden Jubilee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, we celebrate a time of fulfillment as in the Jubilee Year of the Scriptures. Just as God poured out his love to those in Pennsylvania in 1967, God is pouring out His love for us today through the Renewal.
"Golden Jubilee Celebration" Talk Hall A - Gold Draped Corner
Finding Peace in the Worst of Times
![]() Parish Administrator
Our Lady of Assumption Church Overgaard, AZ The Sign of Peace at Mass is a significant act. Why does the Church place it within the Liturgy? Peace is important in our lives. We will explore the characteristics of peace and how we find and live in the Kingdom of Peace today even when our lives are not at peace.
Session 10: 11:00am - 12:00pm
A Consuming Fire
Room 201
Dealing With Some of the Stumbling Blocks to the Renewal
![]() Executive Director,
National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the United States, Locust Grove, VA Even after 50 years of experience and integration, there are still stumbling blocks to the Renewal's acceptance and fuller integration, especially on the parish level. What are some of these stumbling blocks and what are some of the solutions to them?
"Golden Jubilee Celebration" Talk |