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Regular Weekend
Christ Triumphant Track

Attendees to the 2018 SCRC Convention have a choice of a variety ticket options. The Teen Conference and the Children's Program have organized schedule of activities and teachings suitable for each program, while the Regular Weekend and the Christ Triumphant Track have a slate of talks that start with the Opening Prayer and Praise and continue over 10 Sessions through the course of the three day Convention.

Regular Weekend attendees choose 1 talk during each of the 10 sessions.

The Christ Triumphant Track addresses Deliverance, Exorcism, and Protection from Evil Spiritual Influences, presented by experts in those areas. People choosing that ticket may also choose from the selection of Regular Weekend tickets. For more information on the Christ Triumphant please Click Here.

Any talk that is full will be marked "Sold Out" on this page or when you register online. This page is updated in real-time and represents the most up to date information available. Please consult this page before filling out your mailed-in registration. Those registering online will know during the time of registration whether a talk is full and will be placed directly into their talk of choice.

Christ Triumphant Track

Friday, August 31, 2018
Opening Prayer and Praise: 10:30am - 11:30am

Opening Prayer & Praise - Share Testimony
Talk with Fr. Spencer Lewerenz
Associate Pastor,
Sacred Heart Parish
Covina, CA
Fr. Spencer Lewerenz opens the Convention with prayer, praise, and sharing his personal testimony.

Session 1: 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Our World Needs Catholic Heroes
Talk with Tom Peterson
EWTN Host, “Catholics Come Home”,
Author & Evangelist,
Roswell, GA
Through inspiring, humorous and amazing stories, Tom will encourage Catholics to feel much more comfortable in sharing their gift of faith with others!
Room 201

Can Anything Keep Us from God?
Talk with Fr. Michael Barry, SSCC
Mary's Mercy Center,
San Bernardino, CA
Oftentimes we struggle in becoming open and disposed for God in our lives. Fr. Barry will address the many things that can get in the way of that openness to God, such as inner
vows, soul ties, false judgments, my way vs. God's plan and unforgiveness.
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner

Reconciliation Service
Talk with Fr. Perry Kenaston
Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Therese Churches
Diocese of Juneau, AK
Communal reconciliation
Communal reconciliation emphasized that our sins affect others and our reconciliation is with the community as well as with God. In this hour, you will be nourished by the prayers of others, and have the opportunity for a brief private confession. (The only other confession time is on Saturday during lunch in Hall A.)
Room 203

Melt Me, Mold Me, Fill Me, Use Me
Talk with Kay Murdy
Author, Speaker,
Whittier, CA
We often sing the hymn "Spirit of the Living God", but do we really understand the words? Kay will explore how it can help us be transformed by the Holy Spirit by asking God to "melt" and "mold" us so we can become more like Jesus, to "fill" us with the Holy Spirit and "use" us in building the Kingdom of God.
Room 204

What I Have Learned As An Exorcist
Talk with Fr. Vince Lampert
Archdiocese of Indianapolis
Fr. Vince will share his experiences in the Ministry of Exorcism over the past 13 years. He will tell his story on how he became an exorcist and what he has learned over the years about the extraordinary activity of the devil.
Part of the Christ Triumphant Track
Session 2: 2:30pm - 3:30pm

God Is Alive!
Talk with Sr. Lucy Lukasiewicz, DLJC
National Service Committee Member,
Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Amarillo, TX
Each of us is invited to experience the extravagant generosity of God's active love by following the Lord Jesus Christ into the aliveness of God's everlasting vitality.
Recommended for Newcomers
Room 201

The Power of Intercessory Prayer
Talk with Brother Lalith Perera
Leader, Community of the Risen Lord,
Sri Lanka
Why is God so concerned about the need for intercessors (Ezek 22:30)? Is it possible divine intervention would increase in the world today if there were more prayer warriors of intercession?
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner

Fullness of Joy in Living by God's Presence & Power
Talk with Bob Canton
National Coordinator,
Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities,
Stockton, CA
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace...that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Rom 15:13. Come and learn how to find joy in all your situations, even in the midst of trials, hardships and tribulations. Prayer for empowerment included.
Room 203

Am I Not Your Mother?
Talk with Fr. George Reynolds
Associate Pastor,
St. Cornelius Parish,
Long Beach, CA
Our faith refers to both Mary and the Church as 'our mother'. This talk will explore Mary as the true Eve, who brings us to the life of Christ and his gift of the Church as the means toward salvation.
Room 204

The Sacrament of Reconciliation, the Exorcisms that Everyone Needs
Talk with Fr. John Farao, OFM Conv
Prison Ministry,
Exorcist for the Diocese of Monterey, CA
Confession used correctly cleanses the soul and repairs much of the damage done by evil, even more than an exorcism. We rarely use this sacrament to its potential.
Part of the Christ Triumphant Track
Session 3: 4:00pm - 5:00pm

The Gentle Kiss of God's Love
Talk with Fr. Teo Dirk Kranz
Founder and President,
Fundacion San Miguel Archangel Healing Ministry,
Each of us need to experience a personal touch of God's love. Fr. Teo will explore how we can better open ourselves up to "God's Gentle Kiss".
Room 201

Embracing Virtue in the Family
Talk with Dr. Cynthia Hunt, MD
Internal Medicine,
Psychiatry, and Pediatrics.
Healing and Deliverance
Ministry, Monterey, CA
Dr. Cindy will share how technology and social media within our current society, although good in many ways, have the potential to bring out dysfunction, isolation and sometimes significant harm to families. She will review how the consistent integration of virtue into family life can bring about increased healing and wholeness.
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner

Life of the Spirit, Fully Alive
Talk with Fr. Lou Cerulli
Peace, Freedom & Healing Ministry,
Montreal, Canada
John the Baptist said," mightier than I is coming...He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." (Lk 3:16) In baptism we are baptized into the life of Jesus Christ present in the church. But is there a difference between the life of water baptism and that of baptism in the Spirit? Fr. Lou will lead us to explore this question and find out.
Room 203

The Charisms of the Holy Spirit and Evangelization
Talk with Fr. Ismael Robles
Associate Pastor, St. John the Baptist, Baldwin Park, CA
What are the gifts and charisms of the Holy Spirit? How can the practice of the gifts and charisms lead to Evangelization? Come Holy Spirit! Guide us, lead us.
Room 204

Deliverance Ministry Part 1: Letting the Oppressed Go Free
Talk with Dr. Mary Healy
Professor, Sacred Scripture,
Sacred Heart Major Seminary,
Detroit, MI,
Chair of Doctrinal Commission of ICCRS
Member of Pontifical Biblical Commission, Vatican
Deliverance ministry has become more needed than ever in today's world. This workshop explores the biblical foundations of deliverance ministry in Jesus' own public ministry and in the commission he gave his disciples.
Part of the Christ Triumphant Track
Saturday, September 1, 2018
Session 4: 9:30am - 10:30am

Why Would an All-Loving God Allow Suffering?
Talk with Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ
President, Magis Institute
Garden Grove, CA
Currently appearing weekly on EWTN in “Father Spitzer’s Universe”
This question stands at the center of much of the culture's drift toward unbelief, particularly for our young people. Fr. Spitzer will address themes from an answer in the Christian tradition--the opportunities of suffering, God's intention for us in suffering, and useful prayers and techniques for walking with God in the most painful times.
Room 201

Relating to the Invisible Eternal World
Talk with Dominic Berardino
President, SCRC
Burbank, CA
God created the human race with the capability to participate in both the visible and invisible worlds. Learn about the connectedness we share through Christ with the unseen realm beyond our physical senses where angels and saints dwell.
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner

What the World Needs Now is LOVE
Talk with Tom Peterson
EWTN Host, “Catholics Come Home”,
Author & Evangelist,
Roswell, GA
The early Church grew, despite severe persecution during much of its first 300 years. For the Church to grow today, we are called to love more, to help Jesus save more souls.
Room 203

My Encounter With the Holy Spirit
Talk with Fr. Dan McBride
St. Mary and St. Juan Diego Churches
Chandler, AZ
Come hear how this "wallflower" became a mega church pastor. Fr. Dan will tell his story of how the Holy Spirit made his priesthood a wild ride!
Room 204

Drawing Battle Lines in Spiritual Warfare
Talk with Fr. Gary Thomas
Principal subject of the book and major motion picture, "The Rite".
Exorcist for the Diocese of San Jose, CA
We have a real spiritual enemy fighting to rob us of God's salvation. Let us not be defenseless and unprepared as the current spiritual battle grows and unfolds.
Part of the Christ Triumphant Track
Session 5: 11:00am - 12:00pm

The Healing of Hurt and Hatred
Talk with Brother Lalith Perera
Leader, Community of the Risen Lord,
Sri Lanka
A long Civil War in Sri Lanka even left the church divided in that country! Come hear an incredible personal account of how God used Catholic Charismatic Renewal to help bring healing and reconciliation on a national level.
Room 201

Come Holy Spirit
Talk with Sr. Lucy Lukasiewicz, DLJC
National Service Committee Member,
Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Amarillo, TX
Jesus promised His followers the spiritual energy of the Holy Spirit's "Living water" (Jn 4:10). Sr. Lucy will lead the powerful charismatic prayer for baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Recommended for Newcomers
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner

Freedom from Useless Fears
Talk with Claire Frazier-Yzaguirre, MFT
Marriage/Family Therapist,
Irvine, CA
Fear is a normal response to a perceived threat. This talk will focus on coping with interpersonal fears that interfere with our loving one another and includes spiritual strategies to enjoy the fullness of a life lived free from fear. "If we love one another, God remains in us and his love is brought to perfection in us...perfect love drives out fear"
Room 203

Life and Value of a Soul
Talk with Fr. Bob Garon
St. Didacus,
Sylmar, CA
In reality, the soul of every individual is worth far more than we can ever imagine. God values us far more than we value ourselves. Fr. Bob will focus on three very significant stages of life to emphasize the magnitude of this gift that God has granted to us.
Room 204

Experiences with Demonic Hauntings
Talk with Fr. Vince Lampert
Archdiocese of Indianapolis
Father Lampert will present an overview of the menacing and malicious nature of demons.
Part of the Christ Triumphant Track
Session 6: 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Mega Healing Service
Bishop David O'Connell, Fr. Michael Barry, SSCC, Dr. Elizabeth Kim
The most comprehensive Healing Service ever held at an SCRC Convention. Experience the Healing Touch of Jesus at this 2 1/2 hour service (no break). Prayer ministry teams and laying on of hands available.
Prayer for:
-Inner Healing
-Physical Healing
-Removing Obstacles to Healing
-Healing of Relationships
-Spiritual Healing

Music by Donna Lee and Gretchen Harris
(Not a Mass)
This Service last until 4:30pm.
Room 201

The Two Foods of Spiritual Life: Eucharist and the Word
Talk with Fr. Jim Nisbet
Nisbet Scripture Study,
San Luis Obispo, CA
The body and the blood of the Lord have historically nourished the saints, giving spiritual strength. The Word gives us the direction to move with that strength.
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner

Abide in Me
Talk with Fr. Ethan Southard
Associate Pastor,
Our Lady of Perpetual Help,
Newhall, CA
Jesus encourages us to abide in Him and bear fruit that will last. Abiding is a way of living which requires letting go of and unbinding from previous commitments which keep us from Him. Lectio Divina and Contemplative Prayer help us enter into mystical prayer and a continued abiding in prayerful living which bears fruit that will last.
Room 203

Unlocking the Holy Spirit: A Christian's Best Kept Secret for Living a Meaningful Life
Talk with Fr. Ramon Valera
St. John Baptiste De La Salle
Granada Hills, CA
Finding meaning in your life can be challenging, especially as you search for God's plan for you. But you have a powerful asset that you may not be fully utilizing yet--the Holy Spirit. Learn how to invite the Holy Spirit everyday so that you can discover God's purpose in your life.
Room 204

Deliverance Ministry Part 2: The Spiritual Combat
Talk with Dr. Mary Healy
Professor, Sacred Scripture,
Sacred Heart Major Seminary,
Detroit, MI,
Chair of Doctrinal Commission of ICCRS
Member of Pontifical Biblical Commission, Vatican
This workshop covers biblical teaching on the various ways that the evil one operates in human lives and how we are to combat him.
Part of the Christ Triumphant Track
Session 7: 3:30pm - 4:30pm

(In-Progress) Mega Healing Service
Anyone selecting the Mega Healing Service (6A) will not be placed into a Session 7 talk, as the Mega Healing Service spans both Sessions 6 and 7.
Room 201

I Believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, The Giver of Life
Talk with Fr. Eugenio Cardenas, MSpS
Professor, St. John Seminary, Camarillo, CA
Jesus affirms us many times in the Gospel that it is faith that heals us. Our faith in the action of the Holy Spirit will give us the abundant fruits, gifts and charisms of God's presence in our lives. The Spirit of the lord is upon us and has in store a new life for all of us. Are we willing to receive it?
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner

Stress and the Holy Spirit
Talk with Dr. Cynthia Hunt, MD
Internal Medicine,
Psychiatry, and Pediatrics.
Healing and Deliverance
Ministry, Monterey, CA
Dr. Cindy will share the biochemical understanding of stress as well as the interior and exterior causes of stress, particularly in our current times. She will discuss ways to assist children and families to process trauma-related issues, and also focus on both psychological and spiritual pearls which will aid in maintaining peace in the midst of angst.
Room 203

Rise Up In Splendor!
Talk with Fr. Bill Adams, CSsR
Redemptorist Parish Ministry,
Whittier, CA
Fr. Bill will lead a powerful reflection on God's Word as we hear the Prophet Isaiah promise us a more abundant life given to us in the Holy Spirit.
Room 204

Deliverance Ministry Part 3: Why Have You Torn Your Robes?
Talk with Dr. Mary Healy
Professor, Sacred Scripture,
Sacred Heart Major Seminary,
Detroit, MI,
Chair of Doctrinal Commission of ICCRS
Member of Pontifical Biblical Commission, Vatican
This workshop explains how deliverance ministry differs from exorcism and what is the appropriate role of lay people. It also offers guidelines for practicing this ministry in a way that is spiritually sound and in full accord with Catholic faith.
Part of the Christ Triumphant Track
Sunday, September 2, 2018
Session 8: 8:00am - 9:00am

Sunday Morning Liturgy (7:30am)
Talk with Fr. Patrick Crowley
Healing Light Ministry
Hemet, CA
Important: Mass begins at 7:30 AM.
Room 201

The All Important Spirit
Talk with Fr. Lou Cerulli
Peace, Freedom & Healing Ministry,
Montreal, Canada
Jesus said, "I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly." (Jn 10:10) What is the "life" the Spirit gives us? How do we obtain and live this life? When we discover what the life is, a new sense of abundance, security and joy enters into our life. We just need to know how to open the door. Let us open the door together.
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner

Jesus, I Need Your Healing Touch
Talk with Bob Canton
National Coordinator,
Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities,
Stockton, CA
Most of Jesus' ministry on earth was spent healing the sick and setting captives free. Jesus is still healing today! Learn how to receive the healing touch of the Master Healer and also how to use the power of the Holy Spirit to heal the sick around you for the glory of God. Prayer for healing included.
Room 203

Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled
Talk with Fr. Jerry Thompson
Parish Administrator
Our Lady of Assumption Church
Overgaard, AZ
John says that we should live in God's peace. Paul told the Romans, "All fall short of the Glory of God." How do we handle "falling short"-- our sinfulness, failures, guilt, shame? Do they affect our minds, actions our spiritual life? Do we distance ourselves from God or do we take them to our advocate in Heaven? Faith put to action should be our response.
Room 204

Where There is No Vision, the People Perish
Talk with Fr. Bill Delaney, SJ
Pastoral Coordinator,
Los Angeles, CA
Entering into the Lord's vision for us requires listening and response. Fr. Bill will explore some elements of the Lord's vision for Catholic Charismatic Renewal and suggest possible responses.
Session 9: 9:30am - 10:30am

The Power of the Holy Spirit in the Midst of Crises
Talk with Brother Lalith Perera
Leader, Community of the Risen Lord,
Sri Lanka
We are never alone in our problems and adversities. No matter what the emergency or disaster, spiritual power is available when we surrender to God the Holy Spirit!
Room 201

Inner Healing: Hope and Vision for the Brokenhearted
Talk with Dr. Elizabeth Kim
Director, Brain Fitness Center,
Garden Grove, CA
Jesus wants to take us to a deeper healing journey of our soul. He invites us to be freed and transformed from depression, anxiety, trauma, and more by the renewal of heart and mind.
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner

Seduced: The Grooming of America's Teenagers
Talk with Opal Singleton
President and CEO,
Million Kids,
Riverside, CA
Technology is changing rapidly. Encrypted messaging, disappearing video,
live streaming inside video game chat rooms, virtual reality, underground cyber communities and the dark net all pose real challenges to our world, especially our youth. Opal will explore how technology impacts our morality, spirituality and sexuality and how to empower our youth and keep them safe.
Room 203

Living the Life of the Spirit
Talk with Fr. Jim Nisbet
Nisbet Scripture Study,
San Luis Obispo, CA
St. Thomas Aquinas tells us that grace builds on nature. As the use of muscles builds and strengthens the physical life, so the exercise of the gifts and virtues builds and strengthens the life in the Spirit
Room 204

Called Out of Darkness
Talk with Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ
President, Magis Institute
Garden Grove, CA
Currently appearing weekly on EWTN in “Father Spitzer’s Universe”
Many within our culture challenge the reality of spiritual evil, even amidst a precipitous increase in occultism and Satanism. Fr. Spitzer will address two well-known cases of exorcism, including the real story behind the popular movie "The Exorcist".
Part of the Christ Triumphant Track
Session 10: 11:00am - 12:00pm

The Healing of Generations
Talk with Fr. Teo Dirk Kranz
Founder and President,
Fundacion San Miguel Archangel Healing Ministry,
Is it possible that "generational weight" from the sins of our ancestors can fall upon us? Come discover ways that negative spiritual consequences within our family trees can be prayed for and healed.
Room 201

The Power of Tongues
Talk with Deacon Steve Greco
Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry
Irvine, CA
Learn the importance of the gift of tongues and why it is important to have it part of your prayer life. Surrender to this gift of love that God has given to us!
Hall A - Gold Draped Corner

Growth in the Christian Life
Talk with Sr. Lucy Lukasiewicz, DLJC
National Service Committee Member,
Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Amarillo, TX
St. Paul referred to Christ being "formed" in us (Gal 4:19). The Holy Spirit is here to help us grow into the very character of Jesus.
Recommended for Newcomers
Room 203

Divine Intimacy
Talk with Fr. Larry Gosselin, OFM
Associate Pastor,
Old Mission Santa Barbara,
Santa Barbara, CA
Jesus said, "I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled." Fr. Larry, OFM, will offer a mystical inspirational look into our Christian call to set one's heart on fire, in the flame of the love of God.
Room 204

How a Person Creates an Entry Point for the Demonic
Talk with Fr. Vince Lampert
Archdiocese of Indianapolis
Demonic attachments do not just happen haphazardly like catching a cold. Fr. Lampert will share how entrances for malevolent forces are brought into being.
Part of the Christ Triumphant Track