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Saint of the Day

St. Peter Claver

September 9
Born in Spain.
Died in Colombia.

Farmer's son. Studied at the University of Barcelona. Jesuit from age 20. Priest. Influenced by Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez to become a missionary in America. Ministered, physically and spiritually, to slaves when they arrived in Cartegena, converting a reported 300,000, and working for humane treatment on the plantations for 40 years. Organized charitable societies among the Spanish in America similar to those organized in Europe by Saint Vincent de Paul.

"After the life of Christ, no other biography has impressed me so much as that of the great Apostle St. Peter Claver."
- Pope Leo XIII

O God, Father of all peoples, you inspired St. Peter Claver, slave of slaves, with a great love and admirable patience in the service of his brothers, without distinction of race or social condition. Through his intersession and his merits, grant us to overcome all social discrimination, so as to love all with a generous heart and so become a source of unity among your children. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

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