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Lisa Ferguson - "My Journey Home"

Lisa FergusonI left the Church in 1975 after a "born again" experience that involved a deep movement of the Holy Spirit in my life. I was born, raised and educated as a Catholic but had no real adult foundation to hold me there. Thus, I was easily led to the Protestant way.

I started attending the SCRC Convention in 2001 with great trepidation. I will never forget the exhilaration I felt at my first charismatic Mass. I thought I was in heaven! It was so beautiful and so true. Yet there were so many things keeping me from returning to the Church. It wasn't until a year ago when I was studying Church history in my Masters of Divinity program at a Protestant seminary that I began to see things that amazed me about the Reformation and the break from the Roman Catholic Church. I proceeded to do a research paper on the meaning of the Eucharist from a Catholic vs. Protestant point of view. The more I read the ancient Church Fathers the more I was lead to have my eyes opened to the truth of the Eucharist and the Real Presence of Christ! I sought spiritual guidance from a Catholic priest and within just a few months I was returning to the Catholic Church after 30 years away and no intention of returning!

SCRC has been a great part of this process. I have attended faithfully since 2001 and absorbed the wonderful teaching and people involved. The Lord chose the Seminary for the final witness but SCRC has always been the steady and sure teaching that has made me open to this incredible change.

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