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Saint of the Day

Blessed Albertina Berkenbrock

June 15
Born: 1919 in Brazil
Died: June 15, 1931

At age 12 Albertina was attacked by one of her father's employees, who tried to rape her, but she fought back. When the attacker realized he would fail and that she would identify him, he decided to kill her by stabbing her in the heart with a pen knife. Shortly after she died, people began speaking of graces received through Albertina's intercession.

She was buried in the cemetery at Sao Luis, but due to the fame of her martyrdom and the favors obtained through her intercession, her body was later placed in the Church of Sao Luis.

Albertina was beatified in 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI and is considered a martyr in defense of chastity.


God, Father of us all! You gave us your Son Jesus, who shed his blood on the cross for love of each one of us. Your servant Albertina was declared blessed by the Church, because as a young woman, she also shed her blood to be faithful to your will and defend life in its fullness. Grant us that, by her testimony, we become strong in faith, love and hope. Help us to live faithfully the commitments of our Baptism, as we partake in the Eucharist, the source and summit of our Christian life. Inspire us to continually seek forgiveness through Confession, filled with the holy Spirit at Confirmation, and cultivate the values of the gospel. Through the intercession of Albertina, obtain for us the grace that we now beg of you, the grace that you want to give us. We ask this Jesus Christ, your Son in the unity of the holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and will be forever. Amen.

Blessed Albertina, pray for us!

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