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Saint of the Day

St. Agostino Roscelli

May 7
Italian. 1818-1902.

Born to a poor farming family, Agostino spent his youth as a mountain shepherd, using his solitary time for prayer. During a parish mission in May 1835, he realized a call to the priesthood, a calling he approached with prayer which led to financial aid that allowed him to study at Genoa, Italy. Ordained on September 19, 1846.

Priest at Saint Martin d'Albaro in 1846, then the Church of Consolation in Genoa in 1854. Chaplain of the provincial orphanage in 1874, a post he held for 22 years. Prison chaplain, working especially with prisoners condemned to death.

He established a residential school to train young women who were in danger of starvation or falling into prostitution because they had no support. On October 15, 1876, he founded the Institute of Sisters of the Immaculata to run this and other residential centers he established.

From Pope John Paul II's homily at the canonization of Agostino Roscelli, 10 June 2001.
'Great is his love for us.' The love of God for men is manifested with particular clarity in the life of St. Augustine Roscelli, whom we contemplate today in the splendor of holiness. Its existence, all imbued with deep faith, can be considered a gift offered to the glory of God and for the good of souls. It was the faith to make it always obedient to the Church and its teachings, in docile adherence to the Pope and to their own bishop. By faith he knew how to draw comfort in sad, in the harsh difficulty, and in painful events. Faith was the solid rock to which he held on tightly to not give in to discouragement. This same faith felt it his duty to communicate to others, especially to those who approached the ministry of confession. He became a master of the spiritual life, especially for the sisters that he founded, which saw him serene even in the most trying situations. St. Augustine Roscelli exhorts us always to trust in God, immersing us in the mystery of his love.

St. Agostino Roscelli, pray for us!

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