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Saint of the Day

St. Anthony Gianelli

June 7

St. Anthony Gianelli was born near Genoa,Italy, in 1812. He spent years in a parish and then became the Bishop of Bobbio in 1838. During his years as a bishop, he founded a congregation of missionaries and a congregation of teaching sisters.

He actively restored devotions and instructed the faithful. He was a people's bishop, visiting his parishes and organizing two synods. He died of a serious illness after nine years as bishop on June 7, 1846. He was canonized in 1951.

O Saint Anthony Gianelli, who through your work have shown such great love to all, intercede for the bishops of the world. Help our bishops to spread the Gospel to all men so that through them all may find the way to salvation. I ask you to intercede on my behalf so that through your powerful intercession I may obtain the grace that I so ardently desire {name your intention}. Intercede for me and for all those who are dear to me peace of mind, perseverance in good works and a holy death. Amen. - Prayer to St. Anthony Gianelli

St. Anthony Gianelli, pray for us!

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